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When it comes to paper, some people can’t see the forest for the trees.

Miller Mechanical Services, Inc. and Doty Machine Works rely heavily on our friends in the pulp and paper industry. Read the following (3) facts below and you’ll be enlightened as to how paper is a highly effective and versatile means of communication.

1.) E-waste infographic depicts environmental challenges in dealing with rapidly growing volume of electronic waste

This infographic by Arrow Value Recovery clearly depicts the environmental challenges in dealing with a rapidly growing volume of electronic waste.

Click to access e-waste-infographic.pdf

2.) In North America, the majority of wood fiber for papermaking comes from sawmill residues and recycled paper products Reading to Children Aids their Reading Comprehension

Only 36% of the annual U.S. timber harvest is used each year in manufacturing paper and paperboard, with the rest from sawmill residues and recycled paper products. In Canada, 87% of the wood fiber used to make paper comes from sawmill residues (59%) and recycled paper (28%).

Source: Two Sides North America Fact Sheet, “Why challenge anti-paper environmental claims?” Image: Two Sides North America

3.) Reading to Children Aids their Reading Comprehension

Parents who read to their preschoolers are helping them become better readers later. “Shared parent-child book reading during children’s preschool years leads to higher reading achievement in elementary school, as well as greater enthusiasm for reading and learning… in an international study involving 15-year-olds from 14 developed countries, students whose parents read books with them regularly during the first year of primary school scored an average of 14 points higher on a comprehensive reading assessment.”

Source: Child Trends Data Bank. Image: Dollar Photo Club